We begin with your intake! We start with chatting about your main health concerns and your goals to see if we would be a good fit. This is also a great time to ask me any questions that you may have!
I will then send you a lifestyle assessment form that details your lifestyle, dietary, sleep, and exercise habits, as well as a nutritional symptomatology form (say that 10 times fast) where you can check off all of your symptoms so that we can see which body systems need the most support.
Once I have your intake forms and lab results, I get to work on creating a protocol that is specifically tailored to your unique situation. This will of course include nutritional recommendations, as well as targeted supplement and lifestyle recommendations.
I provide the ‘why’ behind all of my recommendations with the goal of you better understanding your body and how to support yourself for years to come. My goal is not to have you be a ‘forever client’ - I want to help you feel educated and empowered to take your health into your own hands!